1 |
Would you mind closing the window?
窓を閉めてくれないなか? |
発音 Would you Woul jyu mind d は発音していない。 |
2 |
When did you get here?
いつここに着いた? |
発音 did you dijyu di は弱い。 |
3 |
Why didn't you call me?
なぜ電話をくれなかったんだ? |
発音 didn't you dinchu |
4 |
It's just / that you need a / little more practice.
もう少し練習すればいいだけよ。 |
語句 It's just that ただ〜ということです。
発音 just jus'
that you thachu (that はとても弱い) |
5 |
I wish you'd make your mind up whether
you're coming or not.
来るか来ないか、決心してくほしいな。 |
発音 make your makyur |